Stickeepals - Magical Positive Affirmation Cards
10 double-sided cards of positive affirmations. They are very colorful and highlight the beautiful illustrations of Jade Lachine.
These cards are designed to help children develop self-confidence. Each card includes a positive affirmation that can be used to recognize one's abilities, to reflect, to help manage stress or to build self-confidence in general. 20 positive affirmations to make children's lives awesome!
I share my ideas / I make good decisions / I can achieve my dreams / I deserve respect / I care about others / I can experience my emotions / I can take my time / I can try again / I like to learn / I can succeed / I am important and loved / I am unique / I am strong / I am fantastic / I am courageous / I am confident / I am talented / I can ask for help / I like helping others / I am empathetic
Format 4 x 5.5 inches
*If purchased individually, they will be sent in an envelope by standard delivery. They will be in the cardboard box unfolded (easy to fold) in order to fit in an envelope.